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Telemedicine Development in the Asia-Pacific Region: Network Architecture, Capacity and Feasibility

Cover_222_TEL_Telemedicine Development in the Asia-Pacific Region
Published Date December 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Telecommunications and Information Working Group (TELWG)
Accessed 978
Pages 71
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The global challenge of COVID-19 has highlighted the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in our collective response to the pandemic. One of the outstanding use cases is telemedicine, which facilitates disease prevention and control via virtual diagnosis and treatment. Telemedicine/telehealth provides clinical/health-related services and information via ICTs over a distance, among which telecommunication network is a key pillar. 5G networks and telemedicine will have the potential to augment an economy's response to a public health emergency.

This report discusses telemedicine architecture, the current situation of telemedicine network construction, the application of telemedicine information systems, application scenarios and specific application cases, and telemedicine capacity maturity assessment in the Asia-Pacific region.