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APEC Workshop on Enhancing Implementation of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) through the APEC ODR Collaborative Framework and Other Fora Including Courts

Cover_223_EC_APEC Workshop on Enhancing Implementation of Online Dispute Resolution
Published Date March 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 630
Pages 53
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This report presents a summary of the APEC Workshop on Enhancing Implementation of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) through the APEC ODR Collaborative Framework and Other Fora Including Courts held 7-9 December 2022 in Tokyo, Japan. The workshop

  • highlighted best practices in developing a user-centric approach to ODR;
  • provided capacity building advice for economies considering opting into the collaborative framework and for economies’ use of ODR for domestic dispute resolution, including in the courts,
  • encouraged ODR providers to partner with APEC by agreeing to comply with the Collaborative Framework and Model Procedural Rules and getting listed as a provider on the APEC EC webpage,
  • advised participating member economies on how to promote the framework and encourage economy businesses, including MSMEs, to use ODR and APEC-partnering ODR providers, and
  • further refined and reviewed the implementation of the framework, including its potential application to business-to-consumer transactions.