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Green Synergy Solutions for Sustainable Community on Agriculture Residue-Based Energy and Circular Economy

COVER_223_PP_Green Synergy Solutions for Sustainable Community on Agriculture Residue-Based Energy and Circular Economy
Published Date June 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI)
Accessed 487
Pages 37
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APEC ACABT executed the project PPSTI 06 2021A - Green Synergy Solutions for Sustainable Community on Agriculture Residue-Based Energy and Circular Economy for capacity building of participants from APEC economies. The review presented the issues of Bio-wastes to Green Hydrogen/methane and Bio-circular Economy. The events included Policy Dialogue, Workshop I - Lectures, Workshop II - Young Entrepreneurs Training Program, and On-site Technical Practice (Self-Fund) on 15-17 September 2022. The hybrid events were on-site in Chinese Taipei and online on Cisco WebEx, with 106 participants from 12 APEC member economies and a Non-APEC member at the events. Throughout these events, the participants acquired more information on green energy policies from Policy Dialogue, advanced green synergy technologies from Workshops I and II, and the HyMeTek knowledge and experience from On-site Technical Practice. These have built their capacity to solve environmental and social issues through green synergy in the APEC region.