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Promoting Safety for Dangerous Goods Transportation in APEC Region

COVER_223_TR_Promoting Safety for Dangerous Goods Transportation in APEC Region
Published Date June 2023
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Transportation Working Group (TPTWG)
Accessed 1072
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This project featured a review of trends and standards of dangerous goods in maritime, providing the APEC member economies and relevant officials, as well as all involved stakeholders, the necessary level of knowledge and understanding that could be applied and implemented, in compliance with the provisions of SOLAS Chapter VII and the IMDG Code. This will also help the region to improve the dangerous goods management and plan in APEC’s ports complying with international standards in order to prevent and mitigate the impact of dangerous goods incident, ensuring secure transportation as well as sustainable growth of APEC through productive collaboration among economies. The Capacity Building Course on Promoting Safety for Dangerous Goods Transportation in the APEC Region was held in Phuket and online on 1-2 December 2022. The Course was attended by a total of 53 participants from 11 APEC member economies and 3 Non-APEC economies as well as representatives of relevant international organization.