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APEC Energy Resiliency Guidelines

Cover_223_EWG_APEC Energy Resiliency Guidelines-2
Published Date February 2023
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 409
Pages 34
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In line with the APEC Energy Resiliency Principle, this guideline aims to support APEC member economies to build energy systems which are resilient against both natural and man-made disasters, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, mass movements, hurricanes, heavy snows, cyberattacks, terrorism, piracy and other hazards that pose threats to global energy supply chains. This guideline was developed based on best practices and recommendations gathered from participants from a series of three virtual workshops hosted by Chile, Chinese Taipei and the Philippines, as well as literature research on relevant energy resiliency efforts in the APEC region. This guideline provides best practices and energy resiliency approaches that may be implemented voluntarily by stakeholders, such as governments, energy supply industries (including oil, gas and electric power), industrial and general energy consumers, and financial institutions to enhance energy resiliency efforts.