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Ambassador Jack Whittleton was born in Regina, Canada, graduated from San Francisco State College with a BA in International Relations in 1961, and followed post-graduate studies in Political Science at the University of Oregon in 1962. His professional career is as follows:
- 1963: Joined External Affairs and International Trade Canada
- 1964: Posted to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as Third Secretary
- 1966: Posted to Tel Aviv, Israel, as Second Secretary
- 1969: Worked in the Commonwealth and Caribbean Divisions, in Ottawa
- 1973: Posted as First Secretary/Counsellor to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 1975: Returned to Ottawa as Deputy Director, United States Division
- 1976: Transferred to North Asia and Pacific Division as Director
- 1982: Posted to Tokyo, Japan, as Minister
- 1986: Posted to Jakarta, Indonesia, as Ambassador
- 1989: Returned to Ottawa as Director General, Trade and Foreign Policy Communications
- 1994: Assigned as Director General, Latin America and Caribbean Bureau