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Key Policies and Information Resources for APEC Projects
- New! User Guide for the new APEC Project Administration System (APAS)
- Guidebook on APEC Projects (Edition 16) - the key document containing APEC project policies and processes
- Edition 16: Edit Summary - an overview of new content in the current edition of the Guidebook
- Applying for APEC Funds Overview - quick reference to the project selection process
- APEC Scoring Template for Concept Notes (for APEC Economies)
- Project Development in APEC in a Chart - a quick pictorial guide to project selection and development
- Guide on Gender Criteria - understanding and applying the APEC Gender Criteria in projects
- SCE Capacity Building Policy - policy for capacity building through economic and technical co-operation in APEC
Templates for Applying for APEC Projects
- Concept Note - the application form for APEC Project funding
- APEC Self-funded Project Proposal Cover Sheet - project proposal format for self-funded APEC Projects
- Concept Note Development Materials
- Project Proposal Development Materials
- Standard guidelines for drafting a Project Proposal for APEC-funded Projects
Templates and Resources for Hosting an APEC Project Event
- APEC Project Event Timeline - guidance on planning and implementing a project event (workshop, seminar etc)
- General Information Circular Template - template to share APEC project event information, including nomination form
- APEC Guidelines on Managing Cooperation with Non-Members - policy to guide non-APEC member participation in APEC events
- APEC Attendance List for Completion Report - mandatory format for collating attendance lists at project events
- Per Diem and Attendance Certification - certify event attendance for funded travelers
- Travel Undertaking Template - Revised, April 2022 - undertaking for travelers funded on reimbursement or advance payment
- Pre-event Planning Flowchart - to guide Project Overseers planning a virtual APEC project event
- Post-event Process Flowchart - to guide Project Overseers following delivery of a virtual APEC project event
Templates for Monitoring and Evaluating APEC Projects
- Monitoring Report - for projects approved in PS2 2023 and earlier ONLY. For all other projects, please access APAS to submit your MR (from March 2025)
- Completion Report
- APEC Project Post-Event Survey Template - basic event evaluation framework
- Good Practice: Sample Project Event Evaluation Report - a sample
evaluation report
Templates for Amending Approved APEC Projects
The following templates are to be used to apply for an extension or amendment to an approved APEC project. Approval is subject to change by the APEC Secretariat.
- APEC Project Design Amendment and Extension Form - mandatory for all changes to an approved Project Proposal
- APEC Project Budget Amendment Form - mandatory where changes have a budget impact
Templates and Forms for Procurement and Contracting in APEC Projects
- Work Undertaking Template (contract form for project costs of US$5000 and below)
- Terms of Reference (ToR) Guidance and Example (for contracts between US$5001 and US$20,000)
- Request for Proposal (RFP) template - Standard projects (for contracts of US$20,001 and above)
- Request For Proposal (RFP) Guide and Timeline
- Request for Proposal example
- Template for Evaluation of Proposals between US$20,001 and US$50,000
- Template for Evaluation of Proposals above US$50,000
- Proposal Compliance Checklist
- RFP Procurement Process Summary and Endorsement Template
- Notice of Acceptance – Conflict of Interest – Notice of Declaration (for Work Undertakings and Contracts Up to US$20,000)
- Notice of Declaration (for Contracts over US$20,000)
- Contract Template (standard for all APEC projects above US$5,000)
- Contractor's Travel Reimbursement Claim Form
Media Policies and Preparing APEC Publications
- APEC Publication Guidelines
- APEC Branding Manual
- APEC Publications Toolkit
- Publication Cover Page Template
- Publication Number and ISBN Request Form
Training Resources for APEC Projects
See the Project Quality: Training and Guidance page.