Third APEC Senior Officials' Meeting and Related Meetings
Lima, Peru | 11 - 13 August 2008
Competition Policy and Deregulation plenary, 14 August 2008Toru Aizeki, newly appointed Chair of the Competition Policy and Deregulation, 14 August 2008Business Mobility Group, official photo, 14 August 2008Representatives of Chinese Taipei and China at the 2nd CEO's Seminar: Formulation of the Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Preparedness and Response of the Asia-Pacific from 2009 to 2015, 14 August 2008Begona Vanero of the World Intellectual Property Organization, discusses progress in the protection of Traditional Knowledge, APEC Intellectual Property Experts Group (IPEG) meeting, 14 August 2008Alejandro Neyra discusses negotiations related to traditional knowledge at the APEC IPEG meeting, 13 August 2008Begona Venero, Head of Genetic Resources, WIPO at the AP EC Intellectual Property Experts Group (IPEG) meeting, 13 August 2008Bob Buckle, Chair of the Economic Committee, 13 August 2008Toru Aizeiki, Chair of the Competition Policy and Deregulation Group, 13 August 2008David Lemor, CEO of Proinversion, giving opening remarks to APEC Investment Experts Group (IEG), 13 August 2008Business Mobility Group Workshop on Frequent Passenger Programs and Border Security, 13 August 2008Museo de la Nacion, Lima where the SOM III and related meetings are being held, 12 August 2008Health Working Group Meeting, 12 August 2008Peruvian Vice President Luis Giampietri at the SOM III and related meetings, 12 August 2008Task Force for Emergency Preparedness Meeting, 12 August 2008