Dr Alan Bollard, Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat; Dr Gong Ke, President of Nankai University; and Mr Tan Jian, APEC Senior Official from China, deliver opening remarks.Mr Tan Jian, APEC Senior Official from China and Dr Liu Chenyang, Chair of the APEC Study Centers Consortium 2014.Dr Liu Chenyang, Chair of the APEC Study Centers Consortium 2014Dr Gong Ke, President of Nankai UniversityTan Jian, APEC Senior Official from China, delivers opening remarksGong Ke, President of Nankai University; Tan Jian, APEC Senior Official, China; and Liu Chenyang, Chair of the APEC Study Centers Consortium 2014.Dr Alan Bollard, Executive Director of APEC Secretariat, delivers opening remarks.Dr Alan Bollard, Executive Director of APEC Secretariat, delivers opening remarks.Tan Jian, APEC Senior Official from China, delivers opening remarksMaria Ptashkina and Tatiana Flegontova, Russian APEC Study Center, present their research on inter-bloc communication as part of the session on new trends in Asia-Pacific economic integration.Alan Oxley, Australian APEC Study Center, RMIT University, Australia presents on pathways to effective Asia-Pacific economic integration. Maria Ptashkina, Russian APEC Study Center, presents her research on inter-bloc communication as part of the session on new trends in Asia-Pacific economic integration.NAM Sang-yiri, Korean Information Society Development Institute, and Tereso S Tullao, Angelo King Institute, De La Salle University, the Philippines present their research on innovative development and labor mismach issues in the region.Chen-Sheng Ho, Chinese Taipei APEC Study Center, presents his research on advancing an APEC framework for realizing a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific.Delegate from RussiaDelegates from the United States