Joint APEC Economic Committee-APEC Group on Services-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council Meeting on Services
Clark, Pampanga, The Philippines | 31 January 2015
Left to right: Kristin O'Grady, Program Director (APEC Economic Committee), APEC Secretariat; Rory McLeod, Director, Commercial and Consumer Branch, Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, New Zealand and Chair, APEC Economic Committee; Dr. Emmanuel Esguerra, Deputy Director-General, National Economic and Development Authority, The Philippines and Convenor, APEC Group on Services; Eduardo Pedrosa, Secretary-General, Pacific Economic Cooperation CouncilLeft to right: Jane Drake-Brockman, Senior Advisor, International Trade Centre; Alex Hunt, Branch Chief, Information Policy, Office of Management & Budget, United StatesNew Zealand delegateDeciana Speckmann, Policy Officer, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, AustraliaMeeting delegateLeft to right: Vivianne Arnold, CEO, Franklin Phillips; Rajesh Aggarwal, Chief of business and trade facilitation, International Trade Centre; Jane Drake-Brockman, Senior Advisor, International Trade CenterVivianne Arnold, CEO, Franklin Phillips