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The APEC Women and The Economy Dashboard 2015

1656-Cover_PPWE Report_Full_10 Sept
Published Date September 2015
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 42919
Pages 149
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The APEC Women and the Economy Dashboard is an initiative that seeks to provide a snapshot of the status of women in APEC, by looking at a set of indicators in recent years, which allows measurement of the progress of women’s participation in economic-related activities and women’s inclusion in several aspects of life. The Dashboard is comprised of almost 80 indicators for each APEC economy and the APEC region as a whole. Those indicators are classified in five areas previously identified as priorities by the APEC Policy Partnership of Women and the Economy (PPWE): 1) access to capital and assets; 2) access to markets; 3) skills, capacity-building and health; 4) leadership, voice and agency; and 5) innovation and technology.