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Opportunities for Collaboration to Improve Building Energy Codes in APEC Economies

Published Date October 2017
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 4114
Pages 67
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APEC economies continue to engage positively in the development and implementation of building energy codes as a key policy strategy for achieving energy savings and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This discussion paper draws from recent published research on building codes activity globally and in APEC economies, and new interviews conducted with policy makers in eight participating APEC economies (Australia; China; Indonesia; Malaysia, The Philippines; Thailand; Singapore; and Viet Nam) in the Asia-Pacific to provide a summary of best practices in building energy codes, a landscape analysis of building energy codes in the Asia-Pacific and an analysis of common issues and opportunities for collaboration among APEC economies.