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Small and Medium PV System Database in the APEC Region

Cover_217_EWG_Small and Medium PV System Database in the APEC Region
Published Date December 2017
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 2530
Pages 70
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This report presents the outcomes of the project, Small and Medium PV Systems in the APEC Region, which gathered information on PV systems best practices in promoting new and renewable energy.

The project aimed to: compile, collate, analyze, report, disseminate profiling of small to medium scale PV system information in selected grid connected and off-grid PV systems; initiate a strong institutional network for collecting, updating and maintaining the database for the PV systems in the APEC member economies; and share the information of small to medium scale PV system status in a common platform as an information cloud sharing environment.