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Advanced Capacity Building for Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Food and Feed Commodities in Asia-Pacific

Cover_218_ATC_Advanced Capacity Building for Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Food and Feed Commodities in Asia-Pacific
Published Date August 2018
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group (ATCWG)
Accessed 3208
Pages 23
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This report outlines the result of the mycotoxin risk assessment and its applications – issues related to food trade, minimum tolerable limits for different mycotoxins, and role of various sectors in the control and prevention of mycotoxin in the APEC region.

It also presents the outcomes of the workshop and industrial field visit, 1st APEC Conference on Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Food and Feed Commodities in Asia-Pacific, held in Beijing, China in October 2017.