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Guidebook on Best Practices in Monitoring and Supervising Effective Corporate Compliance Programs

Cover_220_ACT_Guidebook on Best Practices in Monitoring and Supervising Effective Corporate Compliance Programs
Published Date February 2020
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Anti-Corruption and Transparency Experts Working Group (ACTWG)
Accessed 5959
Pages 94
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The project was developed with the principal aim to enhance the technical knowledge of law enforcement agencies in APEC economies to bolster their ability to detect, investigate and prosecute individuals and corporations for their liability in cases of domestic and foreign bribery, together with the identification of different systems of monitoring and supervising effective compliance programs in APEC economies and also in non-member economies. 

This guidebook considers research material from different sources that will be identified through the different contents and the results of a workshop addressed to law enforcement agents and the private sector, that was held in Puerto Varas, Chile in August 2019, where participants shared practical experiences in order to compile a set of best practices on combating foreign and domestic bribery, with special emphasis on monitoring and supervising effective corporate compliance programs at the domestic and international levels. A participatory methodology was applied in the workshop, to encourage an open dialogue among law enforcement representatives of various APEC economies and representatives from the private sectors. Some of the opinions and conclusions contained in the guidebook might not necessarily represent the opinion of all APEC economies.