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Regulations, Policies and Initiatives on E-Commerce and Digital Economy for APEC MSMEs' Participation in the Region

220_ECSG_Regulations, Policies and Initiatives on E-Commerce and Digital Economy for APEC MSMEs Participation in the Region
Published Date March 2020
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Digital Economy Steering Group (DESG)
Accessed 7726
Pages 78
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The digital economy is of increasing importance to developing economies. Yet digital economy reality is undershooting its potential in these economies, due to a series of challenges. Digital infrastructure is in part incomplete, costly and poorly performing. The wider digital ecosystem suffers a shortfall in human capabilities, weak financing, and poor governance. Growth in the digital economy offers opportunities for MSME participation in regional economies, but it is necessary to have insights on the details of the innovative, regulatory, and incentive about e-commerce and trade related digital economy policies of developed economies to get the advantages of the digital revolution.

This report aims to provide information on policies, initiatives and best practices to develop the e-commerce and trade related digital economy. The report draws on wide ranging desk research and interview with experts and policymakers in developed economies to uncover successful policies to assist and encourage MSMEs to participate in the regional market via e-commerce and trade related digital economy.