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Roadmap for the Integration of Sustainable Energy and Transport in Small Islands

Cover_220_EWG_Roadmap for the Integration of Sustainable Energy and Transport in Small Islands
Published Date November 2020
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 2862
Pages 53
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The overall aim of this report is to highlight the economic, social and environmental benefits that energy and sector-coupling and a transition towards EV- and RE-based, efficient systems can create in APEC islands. This roadmap presents worldwide technology trends and how they play out in small islands. Additionally, tools such as Avoid-Shift-Improve and its use in Sustainable Mobility Plan for Islands will help to define the role of EVs within a broad set of sustainable transport options. A second tool, ‘multi criteria decision making’ (MCDM) allows for the evaluation of different scenarios in the concrete setting of an island, and the roadmap discusses this tool using an fictitious island as an example.