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The Role of Women's Empowerment in Anti-Corruption

Cover_221_PSU_Gender and Corruption
Published Date April 2021
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 3677
Pages 9
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This policy brief discusses how women’s empowerment is an important tool for anti-corruption efforts in APEC. It provides a literature review of the nexus between gender and corruption, outlining how women experience corruption differently from men due to existing forms of disempowerment. It then shows how women’s empowerment can help dismantle the mechanisms that allow corruption to proliferate. While the policy brief highlights that women’s empowerment alone is not sufficient to eradicate corruption, it discusses how APEC policymakers can use gender mainstreaming and gender-sensitive mechanisms to craft policies to deal with gendered forms of corruption.