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The Compendium of Resources for the Facilitation of the Trade and Distribution of Legally Harvested Forest Products in the APEC Region

Cover_221_PSU_Timber Compendium
Published Date August 2021
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 4765
Pages 46
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Illegal logging and its associated trade deprive economies of significant revenues and negatively affect the price for legally harvested wood products. Given the importance of wood product trade in the region and the emergence of new legal and trade frameworks, there is a growing need for private sector operators to coordinate their approaches to better identify, manage, and minimize timber legality risks when engaging in cross-border supply chains. However, the information available to guide such trade is often fragmented and difficult to digest. This compendium identifies and organizes a range of resources that can provide information on risk profiles, legal information, resources, and tools to facilitate the trade of legal forest products.

This project is directly supportive of and consistent with the APEC Experts Group on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade’s (EGILAT) goal of promoting the trade in legally harvested forest products. It is also strongly linked to EGILAT’s two-year policy theme that is focused on advancing the trade and distribution of legally harvested forest products.