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FTA/RTA Information Sharing

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APEC has been conducting policy dialogues under the "APEC Information Sharing Mechanism on Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs)/Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)" to share information among economies of recently concluded FTAs/RTAs, especially on WTO-plus aspects or aspects that are not covered by WTO.

Under the 2024 “Ichma Statement on A New Look at the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) agenda”, and to foster a cooperative and evolving FTAAP agenda, APEC Economic Leaders instructed, (among others), a “reinforced, updated and fully utilized Information Sharing Mechanism Initiative on RTAs-FTAs and Capacity Building Needs Initiative, as well as other capacity building initiatives, which will support peer learning, enhance transparency, and improve economies’ understanding and implementation of RTAs and FTAs in order to participate in and benefit from high quality and comprehensive regional undertakings, with a view to bridging the gap between economies with different capacity levels.”

This will contribute to the - Putrajaya Vision and Aotearoa Plan of Action, which calls for the “further advance of the Bogor Goals and economic integration in the region in a manner that is market-driven, including through the work on the FTAAP agenda which contributes to high standard and comprehensive regional undertakings”

Since 2015, a suite of policy dialogues has been held both on the senior officials’ level and under the Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI) on a wide range of topics pertinent to FTAs/RTAs.


Digital Provisions in FTAs/RTAs



Institutional provisions in FTAs/RTAs



Trade and Environment



Information-Sharing Mechanism: Policy Dialogue on WTO-plus Aspects of FTAs/RTAs - Development and Economic Cooperation in FTA Chapters