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APEC Delivers First-Ever Trade and Women Ministers’ Joint Statement

Joint Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Women and Ministers Responsible for Trade Arequipa, Peru | 17 May 2024

Joint meeting

Ministers responsible for women and ministers responsible for trade from the 21 APEC member economies issued a joint statement following their meeting in Arequipa, Peru on 17 May.

The statement reflects the outcomes of their first-ever joint meeting, co-chaired by Angela Teresa Hernandez, Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations of Peru, and Elizabeth Galdo, Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru.

Ministers affirmed their support to enhance women’s participation and leadership in regional and global trade, recognizing that women’s access to markets, technology, capital and assets, skills and capacity building will contribute to the inclusive and sustainable growth in the Asia-Pacific region.

Ministers will continue fostering conducive environments to allow more women to be integrated into regional and global trade. They will also promote capacity building program to increase women’s resilience and competitiveness.

View the Joint Statement of APEC Ministers Responsible for Women and Ministers Responsible for Trade and the accompanying Chair’s Statement.


For further details, please contact:

Masyitha Baziad +65 9751 2146 at [email protected]
Michael Chapnick +65 9647 4847 at [email protected]

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