Ms. Ha Thi Khiet, 2006 WLN Chair and also the President of the Viet Nam Women's Union.Mr. Vo Hong Phuc, Viet Nam Minister for Planning and InvestmentMs. Ha Thi Khiet presenting the Statement of the 11th WLN Meeting to Mr. Vo Hong PhucMs. Ha Thi Khiet waving the APEC WLN flagMs. Ha Thi Khiet passing the APEC WLN flag to Ms. Diana Abruzzi from Australia in preparation for the 12th WLN Meeting in Port Douglas, Australia.Ms. Ha Thi Khiet cheers on delegates waving the WLN flag in preparation for Australia?s hosting of the 12th WLN Meeting.Ms. Pham Hoai Giang from Viet NamMs. Dana Ann Peebles from CanadaDr. Amelou Reyes from the Philippines