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Understanding the Economic Benefits and Costs of Controlling Marine Debris In the APEC Region

Published Date April 2009
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Ocean and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG)
Accessed 10873
Pages 95
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This report responds to a call for improved understanding of the ‘harmful effects and costs of marine debris’ and the need to identify control and prevention measures and incentives for use by the 21 APEC economies. The report focuses on experiences within the Asia Pacific region, however data limitations mean that on occasions non-APEC economy data examples are used if they contribute to the project objective.

  • Executive Summary
  • Part 1: Introduction
  • Part 2: Compiling the existing economic impacts on communities, governments and selected industries in the APEC region
  • Part 3: An economic-based model to estimate the costs and benefits of controlling marine debris for communities, governments and industries in the APEC region
  • Part 4: Identify economic incentives and other measures that are targeted at policy makers to prevent or mitigate the impacts of marine debris
  • Part 5: Disseminate the results through and outreach program highlighting the costs and benefits of controlling marine debris
  • Part 6: References
  • Part 7: Appendices