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Biofuel Costs, Technologies and Economics in APEC Economies

Published Date December 2010
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 20198
Pages 76
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The Energy Working Group’s Biofuels Task Force is nterested in developing a consensus message on biofuel economics and trade. A central focus for the  Task Force is to evaluate the potential of biofuels to cost-effectively displace the use of petroleumbased fuels in transport. The objective of this study is to analyze and compare the cost of production of various biofuels against the petroleum-based fuels they displace, factoring out the impact of subsidies wherever possible. The study expands and updates an analysis of biofuel economics that was presented by the Biofuels Task Force to the 8th Energy Ministers Meeting (EMM-8) in 2007.
1. Executive Summary
2. Methodology
3. Feedstock costs
4. US corn ethanol production costs
5. US biodisel production costs
6. Brazilian ethanol production costs
7. Malaysian palam biodisel production costs
8. Malaysian jatropha biodisel production costs
9. US cellulosic ethanol production costs