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Food Security Policies in APEC

1326-CoverFood Security Policie
Published Date September 2012
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 21139
Pages 123
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The sharp rise in food prices in 2007-08 and again in 2011, as well as increased food price volatility, resulted in new policy responses among many APEC members that try to address the negative impacts on vulnerable sectors of society. This study provides a landscape of the prevailing food security issues and policies throughout the APEC region, including those covering production, trade, reserves, investment (including in infrastructure), economic access, and utilization (including nutrition). Through an analysis across the APEC members, the study also identifies gaps and opportunities in order to formulate more effective and targeted anticipatory and response strategies vis-à-vis food security, and suggests a number of recommendations that will allow APEC to address regional food security more effectively.