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Challenges to Achieving Food Security in APEC

1349-Cvr_Food Security Issues
Published Date December 2012
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 16652
Pages 57
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This issues paper examines the following challenges to achieving food security that the APEC region currently faces:

• trends in agricultural markets (global and APEC), including the drivers of rising demand and the challenges in increasing agricultural production, and the implication on food prices and food security;
• agricultural trade barriers facing the APEC members given the importance of trade in ensuring supply and mitigating price volatility of agricultural products;
• the magnitude and underlying causes of food losses and food waste, highlighting a crucial aspect in addressing global food security;
• challenges in increasing agricultural investments, which are vital in order to increase agricultural productivity and reduce food losses; and
• some recommendations on the way forward for APEC to address the food security challenges currently facing the region.