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Outcome Report Symposium on APEC Connectivity Blueprint (Qingdao, China – 12 May 2014)

1532-APEC Connectivity Symposium - MASTER Final_Cover
Published Date June 2014
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 12037
Pages 22
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China as 2014 host economy and the PSU hosted a Symposium on APEC Connectivity Blueprint on the sidelines of the Second Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM 2), held in Qingdao, China on 12 May 2014. The symposium was organised to help inform member economies on the specifics of connectivity and how it will help shape future APEC work streams. The symposium also aimed to draw insights from experts who have been working on specific technical issues relating to connectivity such as monitoring and evaluation, targeting and benchmarking, and how to create successful review mechanisms and oversight structures. The insights gathered during the symposium will help enrich and shape the APEC Connectivity Blueprint. This report highlights the key outcomes of the symposium, providing a brief summary of the messages in each session and synopses of the speakers’ presentations.