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Perceptions on the Use of Non-Tariff Measures Within the APEC Region

1531-Perceptions in the use of NTMs within the APEC Region-June2014_Cover
Published Date June 2014
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 57951
Pages 49
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This study aims to achieve a better understanding of the implications in the use of non-tariff measures (NTMs) and raise awareness on how it is possible to achieve legitimate objectives by using policy alternatives that facilitate rather than restrict trade and investment, thereby assisting APEC economies to move closer to attaining the Bogor Goals.

The study includes a literature review on the discussions to define and classify an NTM as well as on the legitimacy of these measures. The study also identifies the most recurrent types of measures affecting APEC economies and the sectors where NTMs are usually applied, using information from NTM databases developed in recent years by several organizations. Finally, the study focuses on NTMs that have become more recurrent in recent years, namely export subsidies, export taxes and restrictions, and local content requirements. Their effects on trade are discussed by using specific examples in the application of these measures.