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APEC's Ease of Doing Business - Interim Assessment 2009-2013

1554-Cover_EoDB 2014 Interim Assessment Draft Report (final)_190914
Published Date September 2014
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 14069
Pages 63
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Since 2011, the APEC Policy Support Unit has been collaborating with the APEC Economic Committee to prepare annual interim assessments, measuring APEC’s progress towards the 25 percent improvement target in five key areas of doing business by 2015. The five areas are, namely: 1) Starting a Business; 2) Getting Credit; 3) Enforcing Contracts; 4) Trading Across Borders; and 5) Dealing with Construction Permits.

This report analyzes the accumulated progress by the APEC region during the period 2009-2013. The interim assessment confirms that APEC has been making continuous overall progress in the EoDB initiative since its inception. During the period 2009-2013, APEC’s combined improvement across the five EoDB priority areas was equal to 11.3 percent, but progress remained below the 2013 pro rata benchmark of 15 percent improvement. APEC will need to intensify its efforts to get closer to the 2015 target. For that to happen, it is important that APEC continues with the implementation of capacity-building activities to assist government officials in identifying best practices and ways to promote reforms and make it easier, faster and cheaper to do business in the APEC region.