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APEC’s Bogor Goals Progress Report 2014

1564-APEC - Bogor Goals Progress Report_Oct2014 (report format)_Cover
Published Date October 2014
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 12540
Pages 93
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The Bogor Goals Progress Report uses mostly qualitative information to describe the main achievements and shortcomings by APEC member economies, in the areas listed under the 1995 Osaka Action Plan and new areas that acquired relevance in recent years due to the changing trade policy environment.

In general, the analysis of the information shows that progress has been uneven across APEC economies and across areas. It is clear that more work needs to be done. Whilst several areas such as services, customs procedures (time to trade), government procurement, competition policy, regulatory reform, intellectual property rights, and mobility of business people, among others, showed encouraging results since the previous assessment conducted in 2012; other traditional areas such as tariffs, non-tariff measures, standards and conformance, and customs procedures (cost to trade) experienced very modest progress or setbacks.