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Sector Study on Environmental Services: Renewable Energy

1899-Cover_217_PSU_Environmental Services_Renewable Energy
Published Date October 2017
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 10979
Pages 44
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This study is one of three sector studies on environmental services prepared in support of the APEC Environmental Services Action Plan. It seeks to build and enhance understanding of environmental services in the renewable energy sector, specifically in the power generation sector which uses technologies associated with solar photovoltaics, wind turbines, and hydroelectricity. This would include services in project development and project financing.

The report starts with a brief discussion of coverage and competing definitions of renewable energy and renewable energy services and the conventions. It then gives an overview of key market characteristics and trends of the renewable energy sector, followed by a discussion of business models in the solar photovoltaics, wind-power and small hydropower sectors. The report next focuses on barriers to trade in renewable energy services, before it concludes with remarks on policy priorities that may be considered in defining renewable energy services.