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Compendium of Best Practice Technology Solutions for Single Window Interoperability

Compendium of Best Practice Technology Solutions for Single Window Interoperability
Published Date November 2019
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)
Accessed 6757
Pages 112
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This compendium takes a detailed look at the current state of the APEC member single window systems focusing on the following:

  • Use of WCO data model and or use of International Standards
  • Messaging technology used
  • Governance (government agency, private corporation, public-private partnership)
  • IT infrastructure
  • Openness to adopting international interoperability
  • How responsive is the receiving NSW to requests from another NSW
  • NSW autonomy
  • Service level agreements
  • Sustainability
  • Features/functionality
There is also a myriad of associations and platforms that are forming or are in place today trying to piece together the challenge of international trade and the issues of interoperability between regions and trading blocs. The emergence of blockchain has led to a sharp increase in trade associations and platforms built on distributed ledger technology. The compendium will take in an in-depth look into some of these associations and platforms to analyze their success factors and if APEC members can accelerate the integration of their  single window systems by leveraging on this technology.