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Facilitating Investment in APEC: Improving the Investment Climate through Good Governance

219_PSU_Facilitating Investment  in APEC
Published Date November 2019
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 7056
Pages 55
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This report analyses the implementation of three principles under the Investment Facilitation Action  Plan (IFAP) for the period 2017-2018. The aforementioned principles are: Principle 2: Enhance stability of investment environments, security of property and protection of investors; Principle 3: Enhance predictability and consistency in investment-related policies; and Principle 5: Build constructive stakeholder relationships. Each principle is evaluated with the help of information submitted by APEC economies and complemented with secondary data. 

Secondary indicators relevant to the principles show a mixed performance within APEC. The report further identifies ‘good governance’ as an overlapping aspect which could be adopted to ensure better performances across the three principles. Good governance ensures adherence to laws and quality of contract enforcement, hence contributing to Principles 2 and 3; it also relies on clear communication, transparency and responsiveness to market needs, hence mirroring Principle 5.