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APEC Compendium of Best Practices: Women in Agriculture and Fisheries

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Published Date June 2020
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Policy Partnership on Food Security (PPFS)
Accessed 3028
Pages 36
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Women play a vital role in the agriculture and fisheries (including aquaculture) sector. They are instrumental in achieving food and nutrition security and in generating income along agriculture and fisheries value chains. Advancing women’s economic empowerment in agriculture can fuel dynamic local, regional and global economies. Women, however, continue to face challenges limiting their advancement and constraining their access to the resources which will enable their full participation in economic development.

This compendium of best practices prepared by the Women in Agriculture and Fisheries initiative focuses on economic opportunities and challenges affecting women’s participation in the agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries sectors within the APEC region. It identifies best practice and innovative policies which economies can employ to grow these sectors through more effective involvement by women and girls. It also identifies gaps in policies that should be addressed to focus on women’s economic empowerment in these sectors.