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Standards and Process-Based Approach to Enhancing Cybersecurity

Cover_220_SCSC_Standards and Process-Based Approach to Enhancing Cybersecurity
Published Date July 2020
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC)
Accessed 3637
Pages 25
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As the increased use of digital technologies has enabled and enhanced global trade, it has been accompanied with the emergence of new risks. Cybersecurity plays an instrumental role in managing these risks and, in turn, fostering the trust needed to facilitate greater digital trade. This report aims to make the case for globally-relevant standards and a process-based approach in developing cybersecurity approaches in the APEC region to enhance security, consistency and interoperability. The report also provides a stock take of the different cybersecurity approaches adopted by APEC economies. By identifying where differences have appeared in these approaches, the report seeks to inform the discussion on trends in cybersecurity approaches, where differences may be barriers and inadvertently restrict free and open trade, and how APEC economies can better align going forward.