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Status Report on Consensus Frameworks in the APEC Region

Cover_220_SME_Consensus Framework Status Report
Published Date December 2020
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)
Accessed 949
Pages 15
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Since 2014, hundreds of medical device and biopharmaceutical industry associations, healthcare professional and hospital groups, patient organizations, health regulators, and other stakeholders across APEC member economies have committed to heightening collaboration on ethical business conduct through Consensus Frameworks, a voluntary and principles-based agreement or commitment by different parties across an economy’s health system to convene on a routine basis and facilitate discussions and actions that support ethical business conduct.

Prepared for the 2020 APEC Business Ethics for APEC SMEs Forum, the Status Report on Consensus Frameworks in the APEC Region provides a snapshot of current consensus framework activities in the APEC region.