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Disruptive Technologies and the Changing Nature of Work in the Transportation Sector

Cover_221_TPT_Disruptive Technologies and the Changing Nature of Work in the Transportation Sector
Published Date March 2021
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Transportation Working Group (TPTWG)
Accessed 4715
Pages 76
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Disruptive technologies — artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and advances in automation, robotics, and intelligent transportation systems — are changing the nature of work in the transportation sector in all APEC economies by creating new types of jobs while displacing others.  Emerging technologies have the potential to significantly alter the future of employment in the APEC region’s transportation sector by displacing workers (i.e., job loss due to technological change), while also making some jobs more open or accessible by removing the barriers faced by women and other underrepresented groups. This project aims to build the capacity of APEC economies to strategically plan for and adapt to the emergence of these new technologies by broadening knowledge on the subject, and providing high-level recommendations on how to increase opportunities for underrepresented groups while mitigating the negative impacts on displaced workers.