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Early Hearing Damage Prevention Due to Recreational Noise Exposure in Young People: Prevention Recommendations and Initiatives

Cover_221_HWG_Early Hearing Damage Prevention
Published Date September 2021
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Health Working Group (HWG)
Accessed 1268
Pages 77
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This report offers prevention recommendations and initiatives drawn from the Symposium on Early Hearing Damage Prevention due to Recreational Noise Exposure in Young People held from 21-23 April 2021. The report is divided into three parts:

  • Results of survey on the actual state of recreational noise exposure prevention and identification of main challenges at various levels including norms, education, and healthcare, among others.
  • Review of expert’s presentations during the symposium, where experts shared recommendations to hearing prevention to participants
  • Workshop results, where the participants proposed creative solutions and initiatives to overcome hearing loss issue, considering recommendations share in presentations of experts

Finally, this report contains a collection of information presented as a roadmap to continue the implementation of proposed preventive initiatives.