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APEC EGILAT Policy Theme: Advancing the Trade and Distribution of Legally Harvested Forest Products

Cover_221_EGILAT_Policy Theme_Advancing the Trade and Distribution of Legally Harvested Forest Product
Published Date December 2021
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Experts Group on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade (EGILAT)
Accessed 2175
Pages 29
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This report summarizes the activities and outcomes of the APEC Experts’ Group on Illegal Logging and Trade’s multi-year policy theme on “Advancing the trade and distribution of legally harvested forest products”. Recognising that private sector entities are the key actors in the trade and distribution of forest products, the theme sought to engage this cohort to identify: the issues they face in legal forest product trade; the potential actions that might be undertaken to support them; and the resources and materials available to help. The report details three distinct streams of work: (1) a stakeholder workshop series; (2) a private sector survey; and (3) the development of a ‘Compendium of Resources’ to compile tools, materials and resources.

The report outlines the key themes and challenges identified and explores opportunities, and offers recommendations for consideration. The report and recommendations will help shape EGILAT’s future work plan, within the bounds of its mandate, tools, and resources.