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Low-Carbon Hydrogen International Standard – Post-Workshop Report

Cover_222_SCSC_Low-Carbon Hydrogen International Standard
Published Date July 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC)
Accessed 2384
Pages 78
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The Low-Carbon Hydrogen International Standard project post-workshop report sets out the lessons learnt through the and the extent to which consensus on how a low-carbon hydrogen international standard could look was reached, and what this consensus is. Topics which the report covers includes:

  1. APEC member economies’ potential capability to produce, import and export low-carbon hydrogen
  2. APEC member economies’ experiences with existing hydrogen production standards
  3. Examples of approaches to developing standards and information on the process
  4. Examples of hydrogen production
  5. Features of an international standard on the production of low-carbon hydrogen which would benefit the APEC region
  6. Next steps for developing and implementing an international standard on low-carbon hydrogen.