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Assessment Report: APEC Customs Capacity Building for Improved Trade Facilitation

Cover_222_SCCP_Assessment Report - APEC Customs Capacity Building for Improved Trade Facilitation
Published Date October 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP), Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)
Accessed 1582
Pages 29
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While most APEC economies have already fully implemented the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), others may need assistance with implementing certain articles. There is a range of assistance already available, but many times these fly under the radar, or do not necessarily address the direct problems faced with implementation. 

This publication creates an up-to-date picture of the current implementation status of TFA articles, determines what economies’ priorities are for reaching implementation, and identifies what assistance is available to help economies to reach their implementation goals.

The publication also reports on gaps in assistance that economies would like to see addressed by future Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP) projects, and makes recommendations on how the SCCP can create more effective capacity building projects to accelerate the implementation of customs related TFA articles.