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APEC Climate Symposium: Enhancing APEC Resilience through AI Applications in Climate Change Adaptation

Cover_223_PPSTI_APEC Climate Symposium
Published Date January 2023
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI)
Accessed 614
Pages 44
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This project final report summarizes key messages and recommendations as well as outcomes and participants feedback from the APEC Climate Symposium – Enhancing APEC Resilience through AI applications in Climate Change Adaptation held both online and offline on 15-16 September 2022.

Main presentation and discussion topics discussed with representatives from APEC member economies are included. Expertise shared on how AI technologies can help the climate change adaptation and discussed key considerations in utilizing AI technologies in tackling climate change were summarized. Case studies on applying Ai technologies to climate-related sectors including weather prediction, disaster monitoring using satellite through AI, and conservation. Also, challenges, opportunities, efforts amongst stakeholders on utilizing AI technologies towards resilient APEC are included as well. Recommendations on the use of AI technologies in tackling climate change as well as application of AI technologies to various climate-related fields such as climate prediction, disaster risk reduction, agriculture, biodiversity are listed in this report.