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Public-Private Dialogue on Digitally Enabled Services: Challenges and Opportunities

Cover_223_GOS_Public-Private Dialogue on Digitally Enabled Services
Published Date January 2023
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Group on Services (GOS)
Accessed 349
Pages 22
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This summary report covers the key points of the discussions and policy recommendations from the Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) on Digitally Enabled Services: Challenges and Opportunities and serves as reference for all interested stakeholders. The PPD explored the challenges and opportunities in the development of digitally enabled services, particularly in financial, healthcare, education, and public services. Policy recommendations included utilizing regulatory sandboxes as a minimally regulated mechanism intended for innovative service trials, facilitating cross-border data flows, strengthening privacy protection and interoperability, enhancing consumer protection and trust, continuing dialogues with the private sector, strengthening international and regional collaboration, and promoting regulatory coherence in digital services trade.