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Economic Impact of Adopting Digital Trade Rules: Evidence from APEC Member Economies

Cover_223_CTI_Economic Impact of Adopting Digital Trade Rules
Published Date April 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)
Accessed 2475
Pages 69
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As digitalization changes the way that international trade is conducted, policymakers are turning their attention to the impact it has on their economies and are recognising the need to reconsider and update the rules that govern international trade today. Increasingly, economies are including provisions aimed at strengthening digital trade in trade agreements and entering agreements focused on strengthening digital collaboration. This report seeks to provide policymakers with a clearer sense of how to maximize the economic benefits of modern digital trade provisions. To achieve this, it uses empirical and econometric analysis to produce data on the relationship between specific digital provisions such as paperless trading, electronic authentication and online consumer protection, and economic contribution.