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APEC Conference on Digital Health Innovation – Covid-19 Response by Health Information Utilization

COVER_223_HWG_APEC Conference on Digital Healthcare Innovation COVID19 Response by Health Info Utilization
Published Date July 2023
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Health Working Group (HWG)
Accessed 1045
Pages 45
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This project was funded by APEC Health Working Group: HWG 08 2020A. Chinese Taipei organized the “APEC Conference on Digital Healthcare Innovation - COVID-19 Response by Health Information Utilization,” to be held in Taipei from 21-22 September 2022, aimed to establish an interactive platform or communication channel for APEC member economies to share and exchange experiences on effective healthcare approaches, scalable models or innovative strategies applied in improving healthcare delivery, service, personal health management or disease risk monitoring.

The 1.5- day conference was held in a hybrid format. Around 450 participants joined the conference physically or virtually. A post-conference tour to a hospital to learn digital applications in hospital was conducted in the afternoon of 2nd day of the program. The content of the report includes the purpose of the project, a summary of the conference and a synopsis of the post-conference visit.