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Good Practices for Traceability Mechanism of Marine Debris Recycled Products in the APEC Region

COVER_223_OFWG_Good Practices for Traceability Mechanism of Marine Debris Recycled Products in the APEC Region
Published Date August 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Ocean and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG)
Accessed 504
Pages 63
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Marine debris has been a hazard to our marine ecosystem and livelihood for a long time. Many Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies have been aggressively investigating and researching this challenge in recent years. One of the key disposal approaches is to collect marine debris and convert plastic wastes into recycled products to promote recycling and reuse with matched traceability certification marks to verify the sources of marine debris. In order to promote the cooperation between local enterprises, NGOs, government officials, and agencies of APEC, this project held a hybrid workshop “Good Practices for Traceability Mechanism of Marine Debris Recycled Products in the APEC Region” in Taipei City on 24 March 2023. In the meantime, this project conducted an online survey through APEC Oceans and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG) and made recommendations on the policies for capacity building, research and innovation, and private sector engagement aspect.