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Final Report - Building Back Better: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Energy Resiliency in the New Normal

COVER_223_EWG_Building Back Better Energy Efficiency
Published Date September 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 2170
Pages 102
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This publication is a final report of a three-day workshop and comprises five chapters.   Following an introduction and overview of the project goals and methods for the workshop, Chapter 1 presents critical issues gathered from the presentations and discussions.  Chapter 2 provides an overview of the Background Report, Impact of Hybrid Work, Energy Efficiency, and Resiliency in the Built Environment, and a summary of the workshop structure. Chapter 3 compares key outcomes with project objectives to: 1) Identify data gaps and needs, 2) Develop new collaborations and projects, and 3) Broaden awareness of women in energy fields and university student engagement in energy research projects. Chapter 4 summarizes all presentations at the workshop.  Finally, Chapter 5 provides key findings and follow-up activities towards future collaborations.  The appendices include the workshop agenda, summary of the workshop evaluation, and the Background Report that was provided to workshop attendees prior to the workshop.