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Regional Workshop on Dementia Prevention

COVER_223_HWG_Regional Workshop on Dementia Prevention
Published Date October 2023
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Health Working Group (HWG)
Accessed 979
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The workshop report shed light on the encouraging evidence regarding effective lifestyle modifications and interventions and the potential to improve cognition while delaying cognitive and functional deterioration in older adults. The multi-domains included in the educational package which outline the recommended strategies for the modifiable risk factors of dementia namely cognitive interventions, physical exercise, nutrition and diet, vascular risk management, and social engagement were discussed. Participants shared some ongoing efforts for lifestyle-based interventions. However, several challenges and needs were raised tailored to the needs of their respective economies. Beginning with a positive note, several economies shared their experience and ongoing dementia prevention activities. Some are in resonance with evidence-based recommendations such as community-based projects, and addressing the cognitive, physical, nutritional, vascular risks and social domains. A few examples shared were use of traditional games, local music, dance and songs for interventions, and engagement via community centers dedicated to ageing societies.