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A Toolkit for Developing Digital Upskilling Training Program in New Media from the Gender Lens

COVER_224_HRD_A Toolkit for DevelopiNew Media from the Gender Lens 1
Published Date January 2024
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG)
Accessed 248
Pages 33
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Since 2020, the Women’s Economic Empowering, New Media Digital Upskilling (WEDU) project has been focusing on fostering collaboration across fora by advocating for gender-sensitive training programs in new media. In 2023, the phase-based WEDU project will wrap up the experience of developing a gender-sensitive new media training program in a Toolkit titled: “The Toolkit for Developing Gender-Inclusive Digital Upskilling Training Programs in New Media.” This Toolkit will outline the entire process of creating a gender-sensitive training program for women's digital upskilling and cultivating an inclusive digital talent pool. It will cover identifying essential digital skills and capacities for the female workforce, designing a comprehensive training package with curriculum and competency assessments, integrating gender considerations into curriculum creation and evaluation, and implementing the training package. Additionally, it will address challenges encountered in each phase and propose possible solutions. The anticipated outcome aims to enhance APEC economies' understanding of promoting gender mainstreaming in human resource development and training programs.