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Increasing the Readiness and Resiliency of Tourism Destination Stakeholders in Managing Health Crises in APEC Economies

COVER_224_TWG_Increasing the Readiness and Resiliency of Tourism Destination Stakeholders in Managing Health Crises in APEC Economies
Published Date January 2024
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Tourism Working Group (TWG)
Accessed 1172
Pages 17
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The APEC project addresses the impact of health crises on global tourism by focusing on preparedness, resilience, and long-term viability of destinations within the APEC economies. Unlike past crises, health crises, exemplified by the Covid-19 pandemic, transcend borders, affecting both health and the economy. The project's objectives include enhancing stakeholder capacity through a workshop and case studies, aiding in crisis management, and promoting sustainable tourism development. Key activities encompass virtual discussions, case studies in six APEC economies, a hybrid workshop, and the publication of a handbook. These efforts emphasize a systematic approach to managing health crises, delineating organizational structures, policies, and procedures. Additionally, cross-economy comparisons aim to categorize health crisis phenomena into typical and atypical instances at micro and macro-organizational levels.